Saturday, March 26, 2011

**Monster Move**feb mar 2011**

..First images are the Monster at the corner of McCullough and Ashby......... 
..cut it into four pieces, pick, pull, transport, etc etc

....CLICK any picture for a larger view....

....CLICK any picture for a larger view.... 



..below is at the lot on Comal Street....




Thursday, March 24, 2011

**more feathers and faces**03132011**

..Originally the Medical Arts Bldg, now, the Emily Morgan Hotel......... 
........across the street from the Alamo

....CLICK any picture for a larger view....

....CLICK any picture for a larger view.... 

.........below is to the South, across Houston Street.


.........below is northeast corner Nolan and Pine.
.........below is Nogalitos Street Underpass.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

**Hannibal Pianta**1875-1937**

.....Hannibal Pianta - Master Modeler....
..born in Italy 1875
..died in a train accident in San Antonio Texas 1937
..first two images below is the Pianta Studio address as of march 2011.
..the other images are from, the time Hannibal was producing.

....CLICK any picture for a larger view....
